Louis is a delivery driven banking professional with over 13 years of experience providing regulatory advice and support within the UK financial services industry. Louis started his banking career at Barclays Bank where he occupied several roles primarily providing advisory and guidance on risk and compliance, risk oversight and control, governance framework and enterprise risk management within Corporate Banking (Global Cash Management, Trade and Working Capital and Debt Finance). Louis then moved to HSBC as a consultant providing regulatory advice on the Ring-Fencing Project.
Louis has also provided consultancy services to Global Banks such as Barclays Bank, HSBC and Lloyds Banking Group, in the areas of major Regulatory Change Programmes such as the Banking Reforms Act 2013 (Ring Fencing Project), Senior Managers Regime (SMF), MiFID2/MIFIR, GDPR, BREXIT, LIBOUR Demise, Governance and Control Framework, RCA methodology, General Compliance and Banking Digital Transformation. Thereafter, Louis joined HSBC as Risk and Compliance advisory supporting the Global Trade and Receivables Finance Business in navigating through the ever-changing global regulatory landscape.
Louis graduated from the University of Leicester with an MBA in Banking and Finance. He is an alumni of Accra Academy Secondary School.