Today, 1st September, 2023 marks our 3rd anniversary. We thank all our cherished clients, business partners, friends and family, and most importantly all employees, past and present.

Written by Ama Koguah Obese-Jecty The writer is a lawyer and an Associate of Koranteng & Koranteng Legal Advisors and focuses on intellectual property, technology and commercial law NFTs Fungible refers to anything that can be replaced by a similar item or that is mutually interchangeable with something else. For example, money is a fungible…

What would you say if I told you that I had a pitch for a US$40 billion industry right here in Ghana? What if I also told you that this industry is not oil and gas or agriculture, nor technology or finance? None of that. Well, you would say I am crazy. Who wouldn’t? Those…

Corporate Social Responsibility On 31st May, 2023, Koranteng & Koranteng Legal Advisors, as part of our yearly Corporate Social Responsibility, had the opportunity to present a career talk to the students of Nii Sowa Din Memorial 2 JHS, located close to School Junction, Nmai Dzorn, in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. In June 2022,…

Community Mining In Ghana, gold mining has always been a profitable venture for people in areas rich with minerals. Small-Scale Mining (SSM) is a major driver of the economy, directly employing an estimated 1 million Ghanaians and supporting around 4.5 million others. SSM has accounted for around one-third of the country’s total gold output in…

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